Mini-Terrain Building Tutorial
D6 Probabilities: A simple guide to this common creature
Baccus 6mm Review
Undercoating Miniatures: A Malaysian Perspective
Panzerfaust: Armored Fist Review
The following articles will be coming soon...
2nd Malaysian DBA Tournament
The tournament went extremely well. Photos can be found from the links on the Home page and the News page. A full report
and more photos to follow...
1st Malaysian DBA Tournament |

Wolf steams ahead, Shinobi checks the rules for extra modifiers to add to his roll of '1'. |
Baccus 6mm Army Review
Shinobi recently won a free army from Baccus. The army is 6mm scale from the Spanish Succession war. This is a period
that he hasn't gamed before, so he'll be doing a review of the figures when they arrive, plus will also provide a painting
guide for these little blighters.
Update - 17/11/04!
The army has been painted and based. See the link at the top of this page to read the review.