Like many gaming groups, the Broken Bayonets have a lot of projects, campaigns and games going on at the same time. We
won't list everything here (there's way too much) but will highlight the main things that are happening at the moment.
June/July 2005
Warmachine Champion KJ defeated, but Dave stands tall!!!
Trying to win three out of three Warmachine tournaments, KJ seemed to run out of steam in the latest event held at Wolfs
Game Shop. Blaming the choice of scenarios, and not being bitter in the slightest, the BB Warmachine Lord, conceded defeat
gracefully, with only a few choice threats about the next tournament.
However, congratulations to Komissar Dave who managed a great second place, maybe the
Menoth High Priest will be making a claim for KJ's BB Warmachine crown in the near future?

Confrontation converting even the Kommissar!!
The attraction of Rackham's 28mm Fantasy figures and their Confrontation game has managed
to drag most of the BBs into the fold. Starting with Shinobi, when the figures were first released in English, all the BBs,
except for KJ, now have at least one Confrontation army (with Shinobi having nine at the
last count!).
A fast, fun skirmish game, it has proved to be very popular at the shop, with Wolf having to bring in armloads of blisters
and boxes to meet demand. Coming up in August, however, is the re-vamp of the rule (Confrontation Version 3), which is bringing
both positive and negative opinions from the Rackham forums. The general mechanics of the rules changes seem to be well liked,
with some improvements to Version 2............ but the main sticking point for many players seems to be that some of the
armies have become stronger, whilst others have become much weaker (including my beloved Mid-Nor Dwarves........ grrrrrrr).
I intend to wait and see with the new rules. In August, when I get the new rulebook in my grubby hands, I shall make
my opinions known........ In the meantime, the figures still disappear from the shelves and games are held every week at Wolfs
Game Shop.

Napoleonics Project
The BB have decided to venture into Naps, with a game to commemorate the Battle of Austerlitz, which has its 200th anniversary
this December. There should also be some Associate BB members joining us in the form of the Balau Boyz (Malaysia) and the
NapNuts (Singapore).
Using 15mm figures, based for the "Napoleonic Battles" ruleset, but playing the game with the "Grand
Armee" rules, it should be a wonder to see and play. Plenty of painting and terrain building will occupy those involved
right up till the day of the battle. So lets get those brushes out, and smack some paint on those Shakos.

Shinobi wins Fantasy Painting Compy
Shinobi won first prize at the WGS Fantasy Painting Competition. His entry, "Kaylee" from Hasslefree Miniatures, stood
up to some intense pressure to pull through with the prize.

April 2005
3rd Malaysian Dark Age Demo
Saturday 16th April, saw the 3rd Dark Age Demo session at Wolfs Games Shop, conducted by those Malaysian Outcasts, Shinobi
and Yassine.
Three games were played, and great fun was had. To see the Demo report (including a load of piccies) follow the link
March 2005
Our LGS now has a Website and Forum!!!
Thats right!! Our regular haunt and gaming centre now has a website and forum. The local games shop in question is "Wolfs
Game Shop" and can be found at the banner below:
Pop in and have a look around at what Wolf has to offer (the website is up but still a work in progress), and pop into
the forums for a chat. You may make some new friends...... Its kinda like a virtual-Cheers kind of place... where everyone
knows your name la-di-dahhhhhhhh.............. *ahem* you get the picture?????

Upcoming Demo Sessions
During the months of April and May, there will be official demos for Dark Age and Dogs of War. Exact dates, times and
venues shall be confirmed soon.
Watch this space.........
DBA League beginnith...
The Broken Bayonets have just started a DBA league. It is open to any interested parties. Possession of a DBA army is
preferred but there are a small number of 'loaner' armies for people to use and learn this great game. Contact one of the
Broken Bayonet Krew for details.
Mini-Terrain Building article
BB member Yassine "Plastermaster" has written a tutorial on how to build a simple but effective backdrop for use when
photographing miniatures, using Hirst Arts moulds as the main tool.
Follow the link to see the Article.
Warmachine Champion KJ!!!
KJ "Archgrandmaster" made it two in a row recently, as the Warmachine tournament crown went to him and his Cygnar "Killin'
Krew" again in the second Malaysian Warmachine Tournament.
Congratulations to the Warmachine Marsta!!!!!!! He's getting cocky now, and has issued a challenge for any Warmachine
playas to "Come Get Sum!!!"
Design Recognition
After his work in producing the Dogs of War supplement "Hounds of Hell", Shinobi has been approached by Devil Dog Design
to join their Design Team for work on the next Dogs of War supplement.
Entitled "Rolling Thunder", the next supplement from Devil Dog Design will include rules for using Vehicles in DoW games
(woohoo...... get those Abrams and Hummer models out!), campaign rules, plus more abilities and skills for your fire-teams
in this great modern skirmish game.
The free online version is almost complete and will feature the basic rules for using vehicles. The full supplement will
include much, much more.....
January 2005
Tsunami Disaster rocks region
The Broken Bayonets would like to express their sincere condolences to all those affected by this disaster. Being based
in the region ourselves, we have been stunned and saddened by the event.
One of the BB members, Yassine, was extremely lucky to avoid this event as he was about to fly to one of the affected
areas for a vacation, but luckily his flight was delayed and eventually cancelled when the news reached KL. We are thankful
that he did avoid it.
We would like to urge visitors to our site to spare a thought and to contribute some money to aid those in need. Contributions
can be made to organisations including the Red Cross, Red Cresent, Mercy Malaysia and many others.
D6 Probability article
BB member KJ "Archgrandmaster" has written an article on D6 Probabilities, focusing on two of our favourite games: DBA
and Warmachine.
Follow the link to see the Article.
Dark Age Demo #2
Three of the Broken Bayonets are demo team members for Dark Age Games, and held their second demonstration event on 31st
December 2004 at Wolfs Games Shop, Kuala Lumpur.
December 2004
Thomo the Lost found in KL!
Thomo wiv da Bayonet Boyz |

Shinobi (left), Thomo (centre), Dave (right) |
We were honoured by the visit of Thomo the Lost (Ian Thompson) on 25th November 2004. Thomo is a well known personality
among the gaming community and was in Kuala Lumpur for business. Whilst here, we managed to grab him and subtley convince
him to join us for a meal and bevvie (due to time constraints, no games were possible!).
Dave and Shinobi joined Thomo for a quick coffee at Starbucks, then over to Chilis for a very nice meal and chat.
We would like to thank Thomo for a wonderful evening of games discussions, historical awareness, sporting arguments (what
do you expect with an Aussie and a Brit!) and an overall entertaining evening. Hopefully this won't be the last time
that Thomo pops in, hopefully next time we can fit in a game.... or two..... or three!!!
Shinobi's first gaming product - "DoW Hounds of Hell"
Shinobi has completed his supplement for the DOGS OF WAR modern skirmish game. It allows players
to fight Human vs Demonic forces and is based on the miniatures by HERESY. Permission to write this supplement was obtained
from Heresy Miniatures and Devil Dog Design.
DESIGN, this game supplement has been written to provide an alternative modern world that pits humanity's finest warriors
against the denizens of Netherhell.
The game DOGS OF WAR is without a doubt, one of my favourite miniature systems
available today. The use of Action Points and the rules mechanisms themselves provide for a realistic and fun game that provides
infinite scenario ideas and outcomes. The possibility and ease of using the rules for fantasy based games, especially based
on the excellent fantasy figures produced by HERESY MINIATURES, drew me to write these rules. This is not a complete game.
Possession of the DOGS OF WAR rules is necessary for play."
It is a free pdf download (1.28Mb), and can be
found at the following locations:
Shinobi's website:
And also at the Hounds of Hell yahoo group:
It shall also be available from the Devil Dog Design website later.
Please free to download it, and to join
the yahoo group.
There is a free version of the DOGS OF WAR rules for download at the Devil Dog Design website (
hopes that it provides you all with some alternative battles which are enjoyable and exciting,
Sci-Fi Terrain Board
Yassine and Shinobi have completed work on our Sci-Fi Terrain Board. Constructed from Hirst Arts mouldings, the board
measures 3'x3' and will mainly be used for Dark Age demos. Some of the wall sections shall be painted soon, with more floor
sections and terrain pieces to be added later.
November 2004
Baccus 6mm Review
Shinobi has finished painting and basing up the free army he recieved from Baccus. To read his review and see pictures
of his finished miniatures, click here.
Dark Age Demo
Three of the Broken Bayonets are demo team members for Dark Age Games, and held their first demonstration event on 13th
November 2004 at Wolfs Games Shop, Kuala Lumpur.
DeBAKLe 04
Photos from the event can be found here......
A great time was had by all, with some splendidly painted armies and camps. We are all looking forward to the 2005 tournament.
Tournament Winner - David Khoo (Hindu Indians)
Best Painted Army - David Khoo (Hindu Indians)
Congratulations to Kommisar Dave who won both prizes, and who's Camp was a real eye-catcher.
Many thanks to Wolf for hosting the event and providing drinks for all participants, and to Paul Hannah and the guys
from the Northgate Ancients Gamers for their kind donation of the Best Painted Army prize (Essex DBA Army pack - Athenians)
A full report will follow shortly along with more pictures.
Projects for 2005
Two major projects are being discussed by the Bayonet Krew for next year.
Napoleonics - Some of the Bayonets are going to invest in Napoleonic armies. Choice of rules for the
games is still being discussed with Grand Armee, General de Brigade and Napoleons Battles leading the way.
DBR - Some Bayonets are planning to build armies for the Renaissance period using the DBR rules.
Of course we shall still be playing and building forces for many other games (especially DBA, Warmachine, Confrontation
and WW2), but these two shall be the major projects.
Stay tuned for news....
August 2004
DeBAKLe 04
Details of the tournament can be found here...
Don't forget that we have two superb prizes for the winners: Tournament Winner, and Best Painted Army.

DoW Demo Report
An event report for the 'Black Ops' Demo of "Dogs of War" can be found here...
More demos by Shinobi will follow shortly...
July 2004
Outcast BB?
The Broken Bayonets are currently in the process of applying to Dark Age Games to become Outcasts for their products. The Outcast program is for Demo Teams to promote the Dark Age game and figures.
"Dark Age Games is a new gaming company that has produced a miniatures game based on the art and
themes of Brom's Dark Age world. It's a dark and ruined world where different factions and different races
battle to survive."
The Dark Age game is a fantasy skirmish game based on the artwork of Brom. The rules are currently free for download from the Dark Age Games website and the figures have excellent design and production
Update - 28/7/04!
Three of the BB are now Outcasts! Congratulations to Shinobi,
Yassine and John, who are now official demonstration team members for Dark Age Games.

DeBAKLe 04: Prizes
We now have two prizes for the 2nd Malaysian National DBA Tournament to be held on September 11th 2004:
Tournament winner: DBA Army Pack -
Leidang (Essex)
Best Painted Army: DBA Army Pack -
Athenians (Essex)
The Leidang have been kindly donated by Shinobi.
The Athenians have been kindly donated by Paul Hannah and the gang at Northgate Ancients Gamers in the USA.
On behalf of the BB, we would like to thank Paul and his gang for their very kind donation. A good incentive to get those
armies painted to high standards.
Update - 11/8/04!
The date of the Tournament has been changed to 25th September
2004, due to the fact that the defending champion (Wolf) is unable to make the previous date.
Warmachine Mania!!
It seems that Warmachine is the current 'in-game' here in the tropics. Wolf has brought the game in via his shop, and
the boxes and blisters are fast leaving the shelves. Good news for the Wolf-man!
The game itself has a good background and some superb figures (I'm sure some of the local GW players will be using the
Jacks as Dreadnoughts in future games). For an idea about how the game should be played, just refer to page 5 of the rulebook......
the infamous page 5!!!
Looks like the BB will have to get to work on their figures (we bought them ages ago, but due to one project or another,
they have yet to be completed).
Update - 30/7/04!
Wolf will be holding the first Warmachine tournament in Malaysia very soon. Details and
dates to be confirmed. 350 pts, single Warcaster.................

2nd Malaysian DBA Tournament Update.
Re-scheduled for September 11th.
A name has been given to the event, as voted for at the yahoo group:

June 2004
Where's the Doc?
Where's the good doctor? Chua has gone missing. No posting on the yahoo group, not replying to SMS. Has he gone for a
quick Aussie trip and not told us? Don't really blame him, we'd ask for him to get loadsa Eureka stuff........
Calling Chua...............
Black Ops infiltrate the Broken Bayonets
Shinobi has been accepted into the Devil Dog Design Black Ops Demo Team program. This makes him an official demonstrator,
convention official and games judge for the Dogs of War game.
This means that Dogs of War will definitely become more frequent amongst the BB, especially as Wolf is now an official
retailer for the game and figure range.
Shinobi is also putting the final touches to a DoW supplement titled DoW: Hounds of Hell, which sees humanity battle
against a demonic invasion. The supplement is being produced with permission from Devil Dog Design and also Heresy Miniatures,
whose demonic figures Shinobi has based the supplement on. More news to follow.

2nd Malaysian DBA Tournament.
We're currently running a poll to find a suitable name to advertise this event. Go to the links page and visit the Broken
Bayonets Yahoo Group page to cast your vote..
DeBAKLe 04
DBA Boleh!
Aksi DBA 2004
These are just some of the options..........
Dave the Student
Poor David. He has to avoid gaming and Wolf's shop for the next month or two due to his MBA studies and exams.
I'm sure all involved with the Broken Bayonets wish him the best of luck, and promise not to tempt him too much with
games, new figures or seemingly innocent cups of coffee at the Amcorp Mall Starbucks (we all know that he'll end up at the
Dave, just think of this as a rehabilitation technique for the reduction of your lead addiction.
RPGA Gamesmaster Exam passed!
Shinobi has just become a qualified and recognised RPGA Gamesmaster after passing the online exam.
The RPGA is the worldwide organisation for the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. In order to run official games,
run events and conventions, you must first pass this exam, and then try to understand the legal jargon in the rules and regulations
such events and games have to follow.
Now he has to try and find a role-playing group that'll stay together for more than one session without killing other
party members............. (Wolf - are you listening?)